Friday, July 28, 2006


Passed Sem 5!!! Results were better than even imagined. Haha :) Of course it's 100% God, cuz if you happened to read the previous posts, you would have known how desperate I was.

my international students gang: my lecture mates ( in IMU we often sit in groups that don't really move up or down, but stay put for 2.5 years.)

I have just moved out of my room. As I was taking down all the memory verses pasted on the wall, I can't help but marvel at how God has been faithful to me. Though the ups and downs, though the fun moments and through the dark nights. Through the "scandalous" times, to the "sighing" times...God has been ever good, ever kind to me. Kind even when I am perplexed, faithful even when I doubt. Merciful even when I complain. Patient when I grumble. But most of all, gentle even as He heals.

All my longings lie open before you, O Lord; my sighing is not hidden from You

Cease striving and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

He died for all that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. 2 Corinthians 5:15

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

I really don't know what the next phase would hold. Looking back, a lot of things I had expected in IMU turned out to be different, in a better way I guess. Who I was, and who I am now; how God has changed me (although there's still much much much more to improve rite? haha).

What I thought I would do in life, how my dreams have evolved, been refined. I chuckle to think that I was so confident that I'd actually end up going to UK that my aunt actually gave me pounds and bought me winter jackets in Sydney. The 2 jackets now has travelled all the way from Sydney to KL and will be brought back to Sydney again!! Ah, how God can just do a 180 degree change.

Yea, although not every part of my life has had a happy ending, yet, I know God's in charge. And I will try to be obedient as God leads. Haha, cuz I can be a little (cough) stubborn sometimes.

Truly I testify that God has been just so gracious to me; someone who least deserves it.
In a way, I am sad to leave IMU, not the building or cafeteria or EOS madness persay, but, the friends, the people, the CF!, the CGs, the experiences, the KKB trips, the camps, the makan outings, the countless times God has comforted me....
The amazing opportunity to just go to Petaling street..and He has kept me safe every single time! The chance to explore different cultures, places. The privilage to meet certain people ;) haha. Even the times where I didn't get what I want, for He when He doesn't give the good, it's cuz He wants to give the least I think so...haha...

Lord, indeed I really don't know what the future holds,
yet I know who holds my future.

thank you.

CF retreat and Cambodia next!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Sarah!! :) So, next step, UNSW huh :)

GaRy said...

Congratz!! when leaving for Sydney? (btw, how come the person on the right looks like Dr Vishna? sesat ar? :p)

Anonymous said...

thanks :)

Not so Dec/Jan most prob

That is Dr Vishna..haha..

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