Saturday, October 21, 2006


at the moments where sleep eludes and the night's silence envelopes the room, the ears strain just to hear the rhythemic sounds of afraid the soft breaths would stop.

when the tears brim the eyes as she watches the taxi leave, you suddenly realize your parents are just not parents; you no longer define them just as Mum and Dad.....but two human beings who love each other, who misses each other.

when her eyes crinkle in a smile, and she radiates so much joy, until it seems like she's the most unaffected member of the family, you think "I can't lose her."

when you have four guys at the back of the car, and loads of books+stuff on their legs; when strangers you just met share their disappointments and thanksgivings; when someone is willing to brave the rain to carry the junk you know not even a second was wasted in the precious cell group.

when you have friends who hear you bring up the same topic, again and again, and again, and again, and again...
yet still listen,
you know you have great friends.

in the silence,
let it be the voice of God that speaks.

when you've read too many political/medical/legal thrillers that you can guess the ending,
sigh, haha, it's time to touch the medical books once again!


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