Thursday, May 25, 2006

I wish I was a boy

What a title! hahahaha

Actually, I quite like being a girl thank you very much.....
As you all know (I hope!), I'm quite a girl's girl.

I love dangly earrings, long hair (but neglect it most of the time), HIGH heels (can give instant 3 inches height for vertical illusion=optical illusion for hiding fats!), nuturing instincts (hahaha), bonding time with the girls, pink (not too pink though.. ;) ), dresses (without frills thank you cuz they make me look *cough* fat), chocolates and cute guys (though who I think is *cough again* handsome always gets laugh at so yea, maybe I do need glasses after all).... the joys of womanhood/girlhood.

But sometimes, like today, I wish I was a boy....

Not that I hate being a girl, just that if I was a guy, I wouldn't have to worry about safety so much AND thus can travel more, go to more hard hit places, go to more "dangerous" land for missions, go to the interior, go to different countries....

Thank goodness my parents said I could go to Cambodia this August.

Initially they had some doubts, but they said ok. I won't want to go without their permission, or get an unwilling yes from them after begging them.

But yea, if I were a boy, it wouldn't be such a big deal. I'd go to Nepal with Interserve for 2 months if I'm of XY chromosome but since I'm a girl, I don't think it's such a great idea given the political situation there right now.
Plus I can think of a few medial mission attachments I would LOVE to go (*if it's God's will for me to be matched to Aus*) during the 6 months break but have to find willing souls to go with me, because it is tad dangerous and reckless to go alone as a girl.

There are a lot of limitiations to being a girl in mission work:
You'd have to be careful when talking to drug addicts because you need to take care of your own safety, keep a good personal distance, protect yourself.
You must be cautious when going to a seedy place.
You must not put yourself in a risky position and must NEVER give real information on where you stay etc.
It's best to go with another person to less secure places. (Unfortunately not a lot of ppl are rarring to go so...this can be a bit hard)

God! Please answer my prayers and turn me into a boy!!!!!! Haha..Nah. J/K (sorry I do realize that I'm going a bit crazy so near to exam ;) But yea a little humour has never killed a reader rite?)

But God, if You want me to do this more often in the future, You know what my prayer is. Sometimes I lose focus and think this is not so important or a piority.
Or lose hope because this IS quite impossible criteria.

Yet I realize that it IS important because this is what I hope to do more often in the future. (at least from what my limited sight can see right now.....I might be wrong)

Anyway that aside, God please open doors if You want me on Doulos for 2 months! ;)


alephtav said...

yes. i so know what you mean.
i feel it sista!
all the best there
and rock Cambodia for Christ

Anonymous said...

Have a GREAT holiday + impactful mission trip yea...

AND...God bless as u serve in ur new CF committee ;)