Sunday, September 04, 2005

Through the eyes of a "desperate" girl

I'm back in IMU. And there was a Carnival Sure Heboh TV3 at the stadium. Which I went. Too desperate and free according to Philip. Because such events only attract Malays and not Chinese.
There were more than 10,000 people there, though I could count the number of Chinese people I saw with 2 hands. Booths and stalls selling everything from fishes to sweets to clothes to "ubat mujarab" to books and even television sets. Plus the loud, typical malay rock songs with lots of bass and screaming.

Okay, maybe I really am too free. But I think Ps. Daniel's message on Saturday prompted me to go. When he spoke on praying and claiming territorial ground in every step we take. To see beyond the natural into the supernatural. What better event to go where so many of those we in Malaysia often side-step in evangelism are?

So I even went into the "jejak rasul" exhibition. Read the stories and saw the pictures of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w (wow, my sejarah still works..haha).
There were also displays of the rest of the nabi-nabi including nabi Isa, Jesus.
Lord, may they know the real reason of hope.

Of course, I was not all serious there and throwing salt all around. (DUMC ppl will understand what I mean..haha) Plus, in all the merriment, there's tons of rubbish too.

But I had fun. Spotting children. (okay, maybe I'm desperate to a certain extend) And participated in the "Largest Batik Making banner" (or something like that)
Observing not just people, but their faces, trying to guess their stories. Not just walking, claiming. Not just touching, but feeling the silk of the kebaya. Not just hearing, but listening. Truly Lord, again I ask, may I not look at things with natural eyes and perceptions. But open my eyes to see the chariots of fire. The vision. The hope. The truth. Even in a Carnival Sure Heboh.

1 comment:

tomcw said...

Horrible ad space stealer!! refer to previous comment. Blogspams on the rise these days. Mine not excluded. *sigh*
Nice blog with new n tidy layout. Ur one insightful person. Its great to see things in that perspective. Life is much more meaningful. Like how u said to "feel the kebaya, and not just touch it". Morrie wuld've been proud of u (Tuesdays with Morrie). though he ain't Christian.