Sunday, September 25, 2005


(No need to read. Just something I'm writing to God. Just so happen to be in the blog page and the flow of thoughts just came...and I needed to write it out in black and white to God. Yes, weird but true)

Y do I need to be in CF? (I always ask myself this) What can CF offer that other churches don't? Especially since there have been brushes with other churches that made me, on the side of view of CF a bit unhappy.

Honestly, CF cannot offer ppl a lot of things. There's no pastor. No fixed preaching. Yea, sometimes the things we do may not be spiritual enough for some, or too spiritual for some. CF has been called too boring, too happening, too superficial, too deep. Argh.
CF cannot please everyone. And they have an unfit president too... :)

But yea, why CF? Why invest so much time and effort in?
CF is unique. If there's one thing CF can offer, it's the mix of medical and pharmacy students. There's no other CF in other universities that are only made up of medical and pharmacy students. Which is why I really hope CF can serve the students something different than what churches present.

Missions. I really and truly believe that CF must start to sow the seeds of missions and love for the underprivillaged. These are the critical years of a student's life. Of decisions. Of purpose. Of exposure. Of challenge.
IMU CF must be a sharp sword that penetrates the soul of students that their profession MUST be harnessed for God.

We already have such an amazing oppurtunity to study medicine/pharmacy. And indeed, how much the nation and nations need doctors who can make a difference. You know the potential. But what use is potential that is not realized?

Lord, if of anything, any programs, any activities, please, remind us why we are placed in IMU CF. Our direction. That we are not merely limited to here and now. But beyond. Beyond.
Somehow, despite the impossibility of logitics/planning/logic...please, enable us to go to one mission trip this semester. It may be near or far or great or even lousy, but let us take the step of faith, as IMU CF to go out.

Lord, let not oppurtunities slip from our fingers. Move.


alephtav said...

CF also offers a diversity of denominations and backgrounds of which you cant find in churches.

we learn to love and accept each other. appreciated the differences and look out for the similarities.

CF is also a training ground. where we can afford to make mistakes, learn from it and grow. where we can trust people and let them have a chance to serve and grow in areas they may never be able to expand in a church.

i shall stop. or my comment will be longer than your blog. :P

and you ARE a great pres! i'm sure of that! *hugz*

let me know if you need contacts for missions. will help as much as i can. maybe you guys can start by visiting some homes, if you aren't already doing that. *winkz*


Anonymous said...

Hey Aud. Thanks.
Yea, just need to be reminded of the purpose and reason CF exists..instead of just drifting...

DO take care especially with all your exams and assignments coming up! Take care!