Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My plea

Lord of reality, make me real
not plastic synthetic
pretend phony
an actor playing out his part, hypocrite.

I don't want to keep a prayer list
but to pray
nor agonize to find Your will
but to obey
what I already know.

To argue the theories of inspiration,
but submit to Your word.

I don't want to explain the difference
between eros and philos and agape,
but to love.

I don't want to sing as if I mean it,
I want to mean it.

I don't want to tell it like it is,
but to be it like what You want it.

I don't want to think another needs me,
but I need him, else I'm not complete.

I don't want to tell others how to do it,
but to do it.
to have to be always right,
but to admit it when I'm wrong.

I don't want to be a census taker,
but an obstetrician
nor an involved person, a professional,
but a friend

I don't want to be insensitive
but to hurt where others hurt
nor to say I know how you feel,
but to say God knows

and I'll try
if you be patient with me
and meanwhile I'll be quiet.

I don't want to scorn the cliches of others
but to mean everything I say
including this.
John Bayly "Psalm of Singlemindedness" 1969

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