Wednesday, March 29, 2006

6 months!

Suddenly, I might have 6 months to spare if I go to Newcastle. (Of course it ALL depends if I get matched there but anyway...just tolerate my "perasaanness")

I can hop on board Doulos, go to Cambodia, vegetate at home, fly to Nepal and maybe just make it in time to get married in 6 months! Woo Hoo...(I'm just kidding about the married part K!)
I can't believe this is the 3rd time I'm flirting with the idea of going to Aus!

1 was when Canning gave a scholarship for FY
2 was when UNSW openned a place in Medicine.
3 is now with the PMS matching.

3rd time "lucky"?
Maybe Australia is the dark, handsome bloke that I have always rejected. HAHA. ;)

Grandparents are getting old. 1 hour train ride from their place makes sense to go to Newcastle.
I still don't know.

MMC has "burnt" all the plans on UK.
I still don't know.

Do I want to take the risk with the new UK system?
Or just go to Australia for family?

Dear God up there, please tell me where to go. Thanks!

1 thing I love about Australia...the purple flowered trees. This pic was taken in the University of Sydney where my cousins study. Imagine, going to uni in slippers and shorts with purple flowers blooming! so comfortable & romantic...haha!

1 thing I don't like about Australia, the stores close at .....5 in the afternoon!!!!! But yea, it means the delicious sushi rolls' prices will be sold at a discount from Aus2 a roll to Aus2 for 3 rolls! Yea, cheapskate... :)

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