Monday, March 20, 2006


She Looks Too Pretty
Try To Catch Her

Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform
Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate
Cool yea? Haha.

Life is busy busy busy.
It's a challange to be gracious and kind.
To be patient despite the lack of sleep.
To be understanding.
To be like Him.
Yea, what to do...super imperfect to begin with...haha

Sometimes feel like an imposter.
No, memang am.
Do you know there's a book on "how to be a Christian without being religious"
Hits the spot right on!

10 ppl want to go to Southampton!
16 ppl want to go Manchester!
7+++ Glasgow!
17 ppl want to go to Liverpool!
12 and more "hidden" people want to go to Dundee!
Plus, maybe about 20-30% others who didn't fill in the prematch.
Everyone is high strung now.
Secretive. Competitive.
But You know best.
Trust trust trust.
truly :)

1 comment:

Philip said...