Sunday, March 05, 2006


It brings anxiousness, irritability and even occasionally pangs of jealousy. It descends periodically and wrecks havoc on normally calm people. It causes mad scrambles and the descend of the gloom of uncertainty.....PMS=Partner Medical School. (not pre menstrual syndrome!)

The fever is builing and reaching boiling temperature. By now as March sneaks into the corner, everyone is asking questions on which uni to twin too....How's the weather, how's the accommodation, how's the uni, how's the people there etc....

Some know where they want to go and die die must go to a certain university. I on the other hand don't any preference for any university at all...which can be quite bad because I have to list 26 universities..from 1 to 26...

Of course, a cheaper university would be good. It will lessen the my father's hemorrhaging wallet. And yea, the only reason why I sob* turned down UNSW (which was 2 blocks away from my grandparents' flat) was due to Australia's fluid immigration policy for graduating doctors. Personally, Australia is a wonderful place to stay, great weather, fantastic food...and everyone from family is there. Cheaper too. But they don't really welcome doctors..which explains why my father and his brother are the only ones left in Malaysia.

Father thinks it's best to go to where he studied..(not literally because IMU doesn't twin to UCL and St Georges is sooo expensive!) but around there. Yes, he does allow me to make my own choice, he just merely states what he thinks it's best. My parents in my opinion often trust me excessively and allow me to make too many of my own choices so much so that I'm happy when given the oppurtunity to follow his advice....(I think the grammar of this sentence is terrible but I don't know how to phrase this..haha)

As usual I am "preferenceless" as there's not a particualar university that I would want to go to from that country...each seem to have their pros and cons..

So Lord, haha, You better speak to me on which uni I should rank 1st and so on...
Although I know He can work and bless me in any university I go to, I hope He'd lead me to the ONE where I can be of best use to Him. Plus, God, lead me to the church You want me to go! And of course I would love to go with friends whom I'm closer to from my batch, but then again, I want to be placed with people He wants me to grow closer with. Somehow if it's His will, I want to connect with the Malay girls from my batch....esp if I'm overseas with 1 or 2 of them.... Oh yea, Lord, if I happen to hear wrongly and thus rank wrongly, then You work Your will on the IMU computer ranking too..hahaha...not an expensive uni though..k? Haha.. After all You know best rite?

By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. Hebrews 11:8-10

Deviod of God, the best can be the worst, but in Him, the worst can be the best.

Just a note: To clarify, I am not anorexic or on diet...haha...diff ppl have been making diff comments during lunch... :)

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