Saturday, June 24, 2006

Chronic illness

Yea I know I have been plagued with this illness for a long long time.

Those around me shudder to touch on this topic because any mention of it will trigger an anaphylatic shock that could include gagging, excessive irritation on eyes leading towards tears, paralysis of motor function and drooping of corners of mouth. (almost like a facial nerve palsy but this is symmetrically diffused)

This is Bell's palsy/facial nerve palsy, only affects one side of the face.

But I think there's lots of improvement. It used to take 2 days to recover from an attack, then 1 day now it's down to 3 hours? Much much better, although still quite an embarrasing rate of recovery. I know that it's almost pathological, akin to a parasite lodging in my brain that refuses to compute reality. Just like the Parastrongylus cantonesis type of infection that causes worms to hatch in the brain and come out from the virtuos humor of the eye lens *yewww*, this illness has distorted my vision, my brain and my heart!

Just like how all of you don't understand why I cannot recover from this illness I myself too, for the life of me, really really can't understand why I cannot recover as well!!! I chalk this up to manic obsessive compulsive disorder and catagorize myself as a patient.

I know this illness has caused me to be blind and unable to see that good people exist too. It has cause me to loose my peripheral nerve function; thus become insensitive and only fixating on a certain obessiveness. (yea, I know it is bad & very severe, till the point that I'm ashamed of myself).

I know I need an aggressive treatment of Metabenzole so that I can recover my cortical functions and think straight again.

But like I said earlier, my rate of recovery has rapidly progressed. :)

I can be cough *witty* now and entertain you with mismatched medical facts that is randomly inserted, just so that you know that my finals are coming up...

But seriously, just because the clouds hide the sun at times, it doesn't mean that the sun doesn't exist. Likewise, just because certain things float to cover my vision, it doesn't mean God doesn't care nor does it change His goodness.

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