Friday, June 23, 2006


spy spots movement of "enemy" activity

spy alerts headquarters

headquarters decode message

information verified to have a high chance of posibility after external factors are taken into account

headquarters alert immediate allies

headquarters will not fire the first shot

the risk of confrontation could escalate in a war of high "face" casualty

"enemy" must make the next move before a contigency plan is put into motion

headquarters knows this is a lost cause

headquarters is resigned to losing this battle because the war is already won for headquarters

headquarters will "sacrifice" this fort which holds historical value but nothing else to one that hold better arsenal and thicker walls

yet headquarters still hopes, even as bridges are being burnt

still hopes even as evacuation helicopters buzz around

still hopes, sigh, ever so faintly for a white flag of peace to be waved one day will never be

*i am not at war with's a metaphorical description...haha ;)...and don't ask what...a bit of suspense keeps life exciting!!*

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