Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The trysting place

"Over the years I have developed a habit of visiting what I call my Trysting Places, special rendezvous points where in the past I have met the Lord and where I return in time of need, confident that I will find Him there again. There is a strange power in place. This must be one of the main reasons the Bible gives such an important role to alters and sanctuaries and special mountains. For by instinct we are drawn back to the place where we once met God, trusting that there again we can keep our tryst" David Wilkerson from Beyond the Cross and the Switchblade.

In IMU, one of my favorite places was the hilltop of Commenwealth Park. Partially cuz while lots of IMU students jog, they prefer to do rounds of the lake, thus no one would see me puffing and wheezing while running up. (I have poor stamina!) But more so because it overlooked IMU and KL. Kind of perfect to pray, although most times I get lost in my own thoughts rather than God's.

Have been going down to Coogee beach weekly although again my poor stamina betrays me again and I walk most of the 25-30 min down. I guess physiologically as humans we are made to roam and walking does crystallizes God more, at least for me.

Especially for an introvert like me, it helps to walk & pray to God because you won't feel as if you're spacing out when in certain parts of the conversation you keep silent. Just like when you walk with a friend, it's less awkward to have pockets of silence then if you are sitting down over coffee face to face.
I won't go as far as David Wilkerson to call it my trysting place but rather an enjoyable break.


LX said...

I am one of them who prefers running around the lake instead of going uphill. Heheh..

Anonymous said...

Haha.. :)
i think it's more fun! but yea, bad on knees to run down