Tuesday, December 20, 2005

True/not true?

From IMU Campus forum http://www.imucampus.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=201&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=45

what's wrong with girls making the first move?

um nothing, except for the fact that i have yet to see a relationship where it was the girl who expressed interest first that has actually lasted. usually it ends with the guy delivering the killer line, "well YOU were the one who liked me first" before storming off.

since this thread is all about making sweeping statements, i shall go ahead and say this: guys would stay in a relationship longer if they were the ones who wanted it and pursued it in the first place.

if it were the girl making the move first...he'd probably be flattered and maybe eventually go out with her. but it wouldn't be what HE wanted FIRST. it would be sort of a..."okla, since you like me and you're a good person who is quite cute also, i'll give it a go" instead of a "i really like you and would work hard to keep the relationship going".

ok, let's say it's the other way round, and a guy takes the initiative to ask a girl out. a typical female response would be "how sweet! omg he likes me? aww. i guess i've always liked him too, just that i never noticed. how sweeeeeeeet!" and she'd be way too flattered to do anything but dwell in the new source of affection that's come her way. and that source wouldn't run out either. cuz HE wanted her FIRST.

i can see a million contradictions in the last two paragraphs, but like i said, who cares? every time there is any argument about men and women and relationships (or a lack of), there are bound to be contradictions.

men say they know she's "the one" if they can see her bearing their children. but when she's carrying the child, they go find someone whom they can see swallowing their seed without bearing anything.

women say they want men who will open doors and pull out chairs for them. but when the men do, they think, "what a sexist! to think i can't open my own door and pull out my own chair!"

i don't blame anyone for being confused, frustrated, or annoyed!

(Not written by me ar! haha..too bored@stressed, reading lots of blogs and forums....oh no, this IS bad)

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