Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Home is.....

Looking at our half bald christmas tree with funny ornaments.
Surrounded by all my favourite books and magazines.
Chasing the dog named Panadaol off the couch.
Teasing sisters about boys and "nagging" them to boredom.
Lying in bed with Mum talking about batch "gossip" and teasing her by saying that I'll never get married.
Eating, eating, and eating.
The piano with a rusty player.
My favourite bed sheet with pink flowers. (ha, so girly..haha)
Talking with Dad about his days in UK, travelling to far flung hospitals on his moped.
Listening to how Dad charmed Mum with side walked picked flowers (too poor to buy flowers!)
Plus, how they both worked in the shoe shop together.....
Talking with the youth in church, kids who used to run around are now in their teens!
Remembering how innocent life was, secondary school days with blue pinafores and white shoes and big dreams.
Catching up on friends' news, who's dating who, who's where and who's doing what, amazed at how much all of us have changed and taken different paths of something bittersweet called life.
Reflecting on God, the past, present and future.
Thinking of the what ifs.

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