Thursday, July 19, 2007

In retrospect

Because of luggage weight concerns, I left behind a stack or so of journals and planners, misc cards. But it's been great fun pulling them out and skimming through almost 5 years in writing.

Fretting over matematik tambahan in form 5. Or which uni and what to study after SPM.
Having a best friend who was a Malay girl. Getting angry at being teased with a guy. (haha)
Stressing over SAM, finding footings in IMU...where the 1st entry for IMU was "...I feel so lost because I don't know anyone"

Pulling out cards, the neon green live planner we bought to support Campus Friends.
The names of villages in Cambodia where I went. Remembering the KKB accident. Sheepishly reading how I sometimes felt cf/cg was burdensome or obligatory yet how much I miss and learnt from all the planning and people there. Writing about feeling fat...haha.
Cards from different people. One from Cambodia that I don't dare to reread because it's full of hope yet I've failed him and disappointed their hopes because I'm not going back again for now. (but troy & jonathan's going! always great to hear ppl I know going!).

In many ways, God has brought me through even when I least expected him to.
In others, it's a mixture of both progress and regression.

A reminder that I should start to journal again after being so lazy

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