Monday, October 10, 2005

Ooi Ben Shyen

To the guy who googles his own name (tak tahu malu, shakes head) and found my blog.
I'll humour you so that you'll have more hits to your name...
Ooi Ben Shyen. Ooi Ben Shyen. Ooi Ben Shyen.
Ok, seriously, if you want to know about God and how to worship God unashamedly, Ooi Ben Shyen is the guy to meet.
He'll sing in front of exam halls just before exams. And answer questions from the back of the lecture theater.
Plus only Ben Shyen does this to the simulated patient in CSU during history taking in front of Doctor Juriah..

Ben Shyen: Where do you stay?
Simulated patient: Subang Jaya
Ben Shyen: Wow! Me too..What's your religion?
Simulated patient: Christian
Ben Sheyn: Praise God! (with full of enthusiasm)
(Dr Juriah comments: So unprofessional! You are not taking this seriously. Stop smilling)

And when he is asked to describe the condition of the patient:
(what we normally say is: patient is well nourished, not in any sign of pain, respiratory distress or confusion. Alert and communicative)

Ben Shyen: Patient is young. Has two eyes, pointed nose. Looks quite handsome. Seems to be friendly.

So yea, Ben Shyen...I'm done with promoting owe me an actor's performace for Fri Nite :)
If you have trouble spotting him, he's the self proclaimed hairest Chinese male.
But passionate for God. Not to mention famous for singing praises to God...and himself (yea, memang tak tahu malu)...haha.
C yea ben!

On another note, I think the pipes in my apartment are the most prayed for pipes in the whole of vista. Just had a prayer meeting with housemate to pray for the pipe...haha...
But yea, really desperate for water now! Lord, when the plumber comes tomorrow, please enable everything to be fixed and running perfectly! Thank You in advance...

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