Thursday, October 13, 2005

Comfort Foods

The funny and weird eating habits of medical students to ward of stress...and the lack of food in Vista Commenwealth.

1) Eating bread with mayo (on a budget, so that's what I'm eating now..haha, fattening but nice...haha)
(Pasta with mayo works too..)

2) Eating milo out of the can with a spoon (stopped that nowadays, but that's what I did in SPM...)

3) Eating peanut butter sans bread...(sem 3 stress..haha...can lead to coronary heart disease..not advisible...but if you want to try, buy chunky peanut butter...put the whole spoon in the peanut butter and eat straight off)

4) Bread with ice cream...

5) Tomato sauce, alone (not me...)

6) Mamee Instant Noodles, without cooking, straight from pack...(eat like eating potato chips...crispy...haha. Btw, I don't like eating maggi that way though cuz maggi's noodles are less cooked)

7) Lots and lots of goreng pisang, burgers, lekor and tau fu fah...(yea, that's some people's dinner)

8) Buying one whole tube of ice cream (2liters) and eating for dinner...(my friend's "dish" for dinner, obviously, he's a girl would dare to do that)

9) Brownie for dinner (EP...that's not dinner K!)

10) Open campbell's soup, add sausage, add a bit of vege, instant noodles=dinner (Not me yea...Haha..)

11) Another defination of healthy eating:
Fish=tuna canned fish, or overflour coated fish in the sweet and sour fish dish
Vegetable=little speaks of mix vegetable in the FA fried rice
Chicken=little speaks of chicken in FA fried rice

12) Proven way to lose weight (fren's success story....)
Eat nothing but Jacob's biscuits.
When hungry drink water.
Repeat daily for 6 months.

13) "Treat" for IMU students:
Mc Donalds
Eating in hawker centre in Mien Tien (we often look like we have not eaten for days cuz we always end up ordering multiple dishes)

Disclaimer: Not advisble to copy the above menus.

General Surgons warning: Caution! Eating the above can predispose to coronary heart disease, cerebral vascular accidents, diabetes and poor nutritional status including hair loss.

Any other habits to add? (medic/non medic doesn't matter)
(P.S. But I'm healthy too...I don't have salt in my house. Or sugar.)

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