Monday, April 16, 2007


After nearly 2 months of visiting around and sometimes attending church in the morning at somewhere else, at night at another.....I've finally made the choice to be at Unichurch.

It was really hard to make this decision.
The "style" of churches here are very denominational based; it's either all....
I do miss DUMC, where there's a good balance of being charismatic yet bible based with good sermons.

Church A is very worship based; famous, great music, big.
Unichurch is the complete opposite; where people rarely clap hands but with solid sermons; almost like bible college!

It's not easy to decide which because both had their advantages. I didn't want to miss out on the freedom to express & my charismatic roots but at the same time I wanted good word. For a few weeks I was running around confused! Some Sundays I'd say I want to be here, yet at other times I wanted to be at the other.

But that's what choices are all about. It finally dawned upon me that sometimes I can't have everything. At least not in this world; where human systems and even church systems are not fully perfect. Not in Australia, not in Malaysia even.

And the importance of focus & season.
I realize that this is the only few years I can actually join Unichurch because I won't be at uni after that. And this is also the time to dig deep into the word; especially for a noob like me...
To join a "mixed" church as well, to be humble enough to learn to adapt to different cultures.

It doesn't make the decision any easier because it's quite different (not necessarily in a bad way, but simply because it's different from what I'm used to) where there's no lifting of hands; let alone the other more "charismatic" beliefs. I don't even know most of the songs they sing here...a bit of hymns, their own EMU music (I've never sung much hymns in church before)
And it's 80% white and the rest of the Asians are ABCs. I'm still tongue-tied at times because the topics of conversation are so different!
No more laughing at lame jokes; bye to the lahs...

But I guess that what choices are all about.
To be decisive & to be brave enough to accept that for this season, there are certain things I'll miss because I'm making this choice. Yet to trust God that He will grow & bless other areas as a result of this decision.

*this is a personal observation on churches, and is not a comparison on which church is better than the other or which style is better/should be adopted.
Both churches are good. Neither a Australia or M'sia church comparison as different places have different cultures & cater accordingly to the needs of its people. *


LX said...

Yes, I enjoy DUMC although I do wish I feel more belong there. This is my 4th year in DUMC, yet sometimes I feel that the church is too big for me to feel like a family there. I love the sermons esp by Ps Daniel.

Leto said...

Hi sarah,

Its great that you've made a decision. Like what pui fun said, as long as we grow in christ. Its a learning process and it doesn't matter how well we start but its the end that matters.

Its great that you get to experience different cultures and drop the 'lah'. Hehe... Anyway, hope to hear from you soon... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey lynn xuan..i felt the same way for the 1st year at dumc too...but yea it was the cg that made me feel at home at dumc..

david: hope all's well with ur job..still at telekom or back?