Sunday, January 09, 2011

My sister

I realize some of my blog posts are quite personal-I've been thinking how open I should be...but I've learnt and have been encouraged by other people's openess in blogs. So, even if that means losing my facade-then so be it.....

On the other hand, I have been blessed to have my sister Sab visit me in Sydney for 3-4 weeks.
Apart from getting to do stuff with her, most of all, it's been great to see her growth in God.
Although 4 years younger, she's much more matured in Christ and in love with people's souls. (where as I still go "woe is me" "why is my life not perfect" blah blah blah)

But of course, it's also fun just to have someone to tease and "bully" around..Hahaha

1 comment:

sabrina said...

im in brisbane now and i miss u very very much..