Friday, May 15, 2009

If only...

Those who have been on call know how much we long for the clock to point to 7 am after a long 12 hour night shift. The anticipation of a shower, meal and bed. Sometimes even feeling smug that I'm done for the day even as the rest of the world wakes up..(haha)

Which is why the verse in Psalm 130 stands out;
My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Interesting how the phrase the watchmen is repeated twice, as an added emphasis. Can just imagine the anticipation of the watchmen in changing guard plus the relief that the night has passed without any attacks etc.

I know I don't wait with such an anticipation. I hope to have such a hunger; not merely out of need when problems arise but to learn to delight in the Lord.


your reader said...

another nice post again.
trying to fully understand your message...

"I know I don't wait with such an anticipation."
you mean wait for The Lord or your shift to end? =)

sarah said...

No as in I don't desire the presence of God so much or so acutely..except when i am in trouble etc...
i would say i long for sleep etc more than actually really longing for God...again except when trouble hits haha

sarah said...

No as in I don't desire the presence of God so much or so acutely..except when i am in trouble etc...
i would say i long for sleep etc more than actually really longing for God...again except when trouble hits haha

Unknown said...

I love how personal experience can enable you to understand God's word that little bit more richly. Thank-you for sharing :)

Sarah said...

Hi Elsie! Glad ur blog is running again...hope ur teeth thing is going well :)