Monday, May 28, 2007


The wheels squeak pass and the music blares.
Shinny colourful packages scream "Pick me!"

Rows and rows of dehydrated "bad for your health but you eat it anyway" noodles with every kind of imaginable flavour are on display. You search for a familiar name.

"Ah ha!" It's here after all!

Images of a cold winter night with a bowl of hot steaming goodness fills your mind. Red slurply spiciness is the remedy to all cold blahs.

Woolworth ain't that bad after all you think.
And you pay for it. And bring it home. And put it in your cupboard. Oblivious.

And only after a while when you actually want to cook it you realize with a gasp...


The impostor!

Thankfully you're not greedy & only bought 1 packet!
And as a punishment, the impostor sits unopened in a dark cupboard because somehow tomato flavoured maggi just doesn't sound appealing.


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