Friday, February 02, 2007

The trip that wasn't

it promised to be a trip with lots of pictures, lots of good food (or so I've heard from the ever patriotic homebred), lots of great company (lame juniors & eating sprees). The last retreat I'd get to join & of all places; we are Sitiawan

it's not that I'm really desperate to go there or anything.
but how ironic/frustrating it is when 1 hour before I'm to leave....yet again, I can't go because of complications.

just 2 days of escapism..from the crushing burden and pain. Yea, sounds so dramatic, "crushing burden and pain" yet it's true. So many complications & extra hospital visits I don't even bother to tell anyone about anymore. Too many to mention. Too painful to recall.

reading & talking to other ppl makes me wish, if only trying to keep the weight limit of 30kgs were the biggest problem that kept me awake, or if exams were the worst thing that could ever happen to my life. How I wish I could rant about uni schedules or the weather. Because I would gladly trade places for their worst problems.
(of course, I know there are others with even worst problems than mine and would probably be rolling their eyes at what I'm writing now)

Life is painful.

The more you win in love, the more you stand to lose.

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