Thursday, January 05, 2006


Unfortunately intelligence and hard workingness (is there such a word? ha) are not inheritable...
My father was won the 2nd Barringham prize for Pathology and obtained the certificate of merit for physiology and I cannot comprehend the mechanism of acid-base balance nor, tell a slide of the large intestine from that of the breast.

"Is this the picture of a lung tissue?" Dr Thani or Dr Rahda will point to slide on screen.
"Yes" (the class answers, don't even know what are the blue dots and colours projected)
"Is it a carcinoma?"
"Yes" (yes because we do not know what is it and will say yes to anything you ask us)
"Wrong, all wrong. It's a normal tissue from the liver." (and we forget 1.5 secs latter)

Oh yea. This great.
And trying to conduct sem1 Q and A.
"Is this from myeloid or lymphoid linegae?" sem1
"Oh no, I don't even remember what cells are for which." short term memory sarah.
15 pairs of eyes from sem 1 look and wonder how did she even pass to sem 4.

Talking to sem2 students.
"Do pay attention to subacute and acute rheumatic fever, and the arterial and venous diseases." sarah speaking from experience of the shock of opening the CVS summative paper one year ago.
"What's the difference?" sem2 student asks.
"I can only remember that they are different. And there's something to do with polyarthritis nodosa....and......and..... I don't know anything anymore." (terrible, terrible, terrible)

"so, do you still remember all your basic patho/physio etc from preclinical years?" speaking to Dad about short term memory, hoping to find comfort that clinicians forget somethings after 20+ years since learning the basics.
"of course. These are simple things."
(and I have forgotten everything I've learnt 3 months ago. maybe 20 years later, I would have even forgotten that I studied in IMU)

"I heard in your batch only 3 people got A for sem 3." Junior says.
"I don't even know my batch's statistics or even checked after the exam." sarah
"And 12 got A- and 50+ got B+ and 50+ got B- and 40 failed." Junior reports.
"Wow. I don't even know what happens in my own batch."

"Do you remember my brother's name?"
"Yes yes,of course. It's A." sarah confidently says.
"No, it's Y." (Does not even rhyme or even share the first alphabet or anything to do with the real name.)

"Pray for me as I'm sharing today."
"Okay." sarah
Prays. Prays about many things about him. And forgets to pray about the main thing he asked me to pray for.

Conclusion: If I ever do graduate, please do not consult Dr Sarah Ong. She has short term memory and cannot remember people's names let alone people's illness. So you are warned!
And do forgive me for being forgetful as my white and gray matter in my brain decays at a much much faster rate compared to normal people.

On a much more melachonic and ehmm...depressing tone (I'm sorry Eu Pui when you have to read this over and over and over again..Hi there too, and I don't know how you found this because I don't like to publitize esp because I write depressing posts), in a way, God is 'probably' (probably because I'm not sure but I'm sure,haha) answering/has answered the very prayers I made on a very downcast day.

Till today, I find it a sad, funny prayer that was beyond me to even dare to pray in that way. Do I regret making such prayers? I don't know, I am only human after all. Yet, not as I will but as You will. You know it all. How much it matters to me. Yet how much it doesn't matter compared to You. You matter more. Indeed

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

funny sarah. but i think most of us feel that way. Less admit it to others, even less will blog about it:-)