Thursday, September 08, 2011


Am truly humbled by this....

was reading John Piper's blog about praying that non believers will realize their emptiness especially in the month of fasting...
and realize...hey, I need to realize my own emptiness too!

In a world where I sit in interviews going "and I am dedicated, hard working, passionate about teaching"and how we try to look put's such a paradox to admit or even realize our own emptiness...

but yet how much God's power can be revealed in our emptiness...

So here I am; Sarah, empty apart from Christ.

and thus, another paradox-I don't think I can survive med reg-ing next year....but if God gives me the job; then I am excited, not for the job, but an opportunity to truly be dependent on my knees with God.


sabrina said...


linyen416 said...
