Thursday, July 22, 2010

A dream

Then Joseph said to them, " Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams."
Genesis 40:8b

Actually it's rather amazing that Joseph would want to have anything to do with dreams. The last time he did that, remember what happened? He told his brothers about his dreams and it was "Operation Pit City." He wound up in an Egyptian slave market. You'd think he would say, "Not me, man! I'm off of dreams forever." But not Joseph. He said "Oh really? A dream huh? Tell me about it." Charles R. Swindoll

Once bitten, twice shy?
I've seen and felt the pain of having dreams taken away; dreams where I felt was God pleasing.
But without vision, people perish.

I am daring to dream again; not that God will neccesarily grant me everything I dream about. But trusting him to be honest with what I truly desire. That He is big enough both in my joy and my disappointment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear friend (please dont freak out) I sometimes do blog-surfing and leave comments, mainly to encourage, or as prayers.. (I myself am a Christian, and worship at a Methodist church in singapore) I dont get much support from my own Christian circle but it does not mean support stops too, at the very least, if i dont get support, at least I get to give it. - well.. thats quite a long disclaimer isnt it! Anyhows, now to the main reason for writing -
1) I pray for you, and your well-being, and your walk, with God.
2) I pray that with vision, comes a path-of-action too.. that you would see vision, and also know how to achieve, and get it (rather than just stay 'visioned' and absolutely not idea how to get there, right ---> what im feeling right now =p =))
3) I pray for your walk, that you are always near and close to God, and always honest.

May He be, indeed, big enough in both your joy and disappointment. - Bless you, Sis! Jules