Wednesday, December 03, 2008


The heavy-ish air hangs down with the humidity of the night.
Picking up The Star and giving a little squeal, even though I have read most of the headlines online. Hearing Malay being spoken.

Is this where I've grown up for most of my life? Feels a little different, can a year do so much?
Yet there is a difference. A softness in the heart for the cleaners in KLIA toilets, the conversation with the taxi driver who works at 5am till 12 pm to make ends meet. The sing-song mix of Malay and English...."kamu dari overseas" "Masuk KL traffic jam"

It's Malaysia. For now, my country.


Unknown said...

It must be lovely to be back home :) I keep on forgetting that Sydney is not your fit in so well!

Anonymous said...

Welcome 'home'. :D

Anonymous said...

Tx! :)