Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Playing truant

My favourite 2nd hand bookstore where you can get a coffee and read

Rows of books and a latte (btw, can anyone enlighten me on the difference between a flat white and a latte?)


Yuen said...

Latte has more's done so as to make it "creamier" in texture than its counterpart, flat white. The latter, on the other hand, is just plain espresso and steamed milk, minus froth. XD

So how are things, Sarah? =)

Sarah said...

Ic ic...looks like u are a coffee's melb?

Yuen said...

That's because I'm a chronic caffeine addict - I LOVE coffee, and I drink too much for my own good!! LOL.

Melbourne's alright. Getting really cold though. Almost unbearable at times. =P I gather Sydney's pretty chilly too.